Live. Empower. Affect. Dare.

Live. Empower. Affect. Dare.

Drew Dudley: Everyday Leadership at TedxToronto on Youtube

Leadership is simple.

Leadership is about having a voice and taking action. It is using your power to influence people in positive ways.

Anyone can be a leader.

We don’t realize it because our attention is often focused on examples of popular leaders. On the contrary, leadership is not about having a special title. Anyone can take the role as a supportive or directive individual. There are some amazing individuals humbly leading and making small actions that cause a significant impact.  If we can shift our thinking towards everyday leadership, then we can expect that everyday is an opportunity to demonstrate leadership.

Live as an example.

Empower others.

Affect change.

Dare to dream.

How do you define leadership? What are the qualities possessed by people that you admire?