Mental Health Awareness


Mental illness is a topic that people should become more aware about, it may be a little touchy in some areas but it is always good to stay informed. Your first question may be what is a mental illness? Well mental illnesses can take many forms, just like a physical illness.

Personally I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, which I will later explain in this post. For me I have found ways to suppress how I feel or try to prevent them from happening but just like a lot of things, I find that I have very little control over it. Just because there is nothing wrong going on in my life does not mean I won’t have anxiety or panic. I’ve come to conclusions that it has been and will be a part of me whether I like it or not. For others it may be different, though you may have the same type of illnesses it does not mean you will exactly react in the same way. I know people that take medications to help with there anxiety or have other outlets to let out what they are feeling.

Here are a few mental illnesses (By the way having a mental illness does not mean there is anything wrong with you! You are as amazing as you think you are and you are also never alone.)

Anxiety Disorders

Everyone may feel worried or nervous at times. That feeling can help in a way to inform ourselves about danger. On the other hand, anxiety disorders cause unexpected or unhelpful anxiety that can seriously impact ones life, how they may think , feel or act.

When I get anxiety I tend to fear the things that are really unrealistic or things that don’t matter right at that moment in time or multiple situations that probably will never happen. Some times people who have anxiety disorders may experience anxiety attacks or panic attacks.

Panic Disorder

Panic disorder involves multiple and unexpected panic attacks. A panic attack is a feeling of intense fear or terror that last for a short period of time. Some symptoms may include; racing heart, shaking, shorten breath, nausea, chest pain, dizziness and sweating.

Here is a video that I show many family members to help them understand how I may be feeling: p.s the first one is my all time favourite video!!

A Virtual Panic Attack – New Age Creators ( Soul Pancake )

Depression and Bipolar Disorder

Depression and Bipolar disorder are two mental illnesses that change the way people feel and make it hard for them to go about their daily routines.

Depression can affect a persons mood – the way they feel. It is more than a ‘bad day’ or feeling ‘down’. People who have depression tend to lose interest in the things they used to enjoy and may withdraw themselves from others in a form of isolation. Depression can change the way people eat and sleep.

The video below may be able to explain a little better than I can.

What is depression? – Helen M. Farrell (TED-Ed)

Thing Nobody Told Me About Depression. – BuzzFeedYellow

Bipolar disorder also affects the mood, people experience episodes of depression and episodes of mania. Mania is an unusual high mood for the person, they may feel as if their thoughts are racing and may feel hyperactive. Mania can affect the way a person sleeps. They may also act without thinking and do things that could cause them harm, that they wouldn’t normally do.

I’m Bipolar, But I’m Not … – BuzzFeed

The ones I have spoke about above come close to heart whether they are what I have myself or I am close with someone who does. I obviously don’t have PhD in psychology and I am not expert on any of these disorders. The videos above also help to explain or inform others how I feel or how someone else may feel about there disorder.

Here are a few more mental illnesses that I would like to share but since I personally do not have them and do not know anyone that does, I think these videos will suffice in explaining 🙂

Eating Disorders

What It’s Like Living With An Eating Disorder – BuzzFeed 


Blythe Baird – ” When the Fat girl gets skinny” NPS 2015 – Button P0etry 

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

“OCD” – Neil Hilborn 

At the end of the day Mental Illness is not who the person is, it is just a part of them. It does not define the person because there are so much more to people then that illness. You are not able to see a mental illness like a physical illness but it does not mean that it is not there.

If you or anyone you know has a mental illness, just remember that you are not alone.

Here are some links to learn more:

Crisis Text Line – TEXT “START” TO 741741

Your Mental Health